11. Backpropagation Quiz

The following picture is of a feedforward network with

  • A single input x
  • Two hidden layers with two neurons in each layer
  • A single output

What is the update rule of weight matrix W1?

(In other words, what is the partial derivative of y with respect to W1?)

Hint: Use the chain rule

SOLUTION: Equation A


There are two separate paths which W_1 contributes to the output in:

  • Path A
  • Path B

(both displayed in the pictures below)

_Path A_

Path A

_Path B_

Path B

The mathematical derivations considering path A (while applying the chain rule) are:

The mathematical derivations considering path B (while applying the chain rule) are:

To finalize our calculations we need to consider all of the paths contributing to the calculation of y. In this case we have the two paths mentioned. Therefore, the final calculation will be the addition of the derivatives calculated in each path.